WHA Insurance
Elite Supporter

WHA Insurance is a professional independent insurance agency dedicated to providing excellent risk management and insurance services to our clients throughout the Northwest. Established in 1950 in Eugene, Oregon, our agency is a growing and well-respected company. As a full service insurance agency, we offer our expertise in Personal Lines, Commercial Property and Casualty, Employee Benefits, Workers' Compensation, Transportation, and Public Entities insurance. Our agents represent over 300 carriers and are licensed in 19 states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin. WHA Insurance maintains active participation in several industry associations. From participating on executive boards to directing insurance safety programs, our agency is committed to industry excellence. Not only are we involved with associations in the insurance industry, we are also dedicated to the industries of our clients. We are involved with many organizations, including Lane County Insurance Associates, Professional Insurance Agents, Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America, Oregon Fire Chiefs Association, Western Fire Chiefs Association, Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association, National Fire Protection Association, International Fire Chiefs Association, and The Oregon Trucking Association.
WHA Insurance