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How do I log on to the Insurance Site?
Members who have already registered can click on Sign In button located at the top right portion of this window then type your username and password. If you are not currently registered, follow the directions for "How do I register on your web site" below.

How do I register for a login on the Insurance Site? 
Please contact SDAO Member Services at or 800-285-5461 to create a login on the Insurance Site. New users must be authorized by the district's key contact.

What do I do if I forget my password?
Click the Sign In button located at the top right portion of this window, then select "Forgot User Name / Password".  Complete the simple form then click the Submit button.  You will receive an e-mail with a reset password link.

How do I change my password?
Click the Sign In button located at the top right portion of this window, then select "Forgot User Name / Password".  Complete the simple form then click the Submit button.  You will receive an e-mail with a reset password link.


How do I form a special district?
There is a process you will want to follow to form a special district. Please refer to our page on special district formation


Who do I call if I have a question about my health care coverage with SDIS?
SDAO staff is available to help you with health care coverage questions by calling 800-285-5461.

Does SDAO offer SDIS-insured members drug and alcohol testing and background check services?
Yes, but members must first sign up to participate. Contact SDAO at 800-285-5461 to request more information. Following your call, Bio-Med Testing Services will email your district a packet which includes a description of services available, pricing information, and a customer agreement form. Once the completed paperwork is returned to Bio-Med Testing Services your district may take advantage of five complimentary drug and alcohol tests and five complimentary background checks annually. Additional tests, beyond the five per calendar year, will be charged to your district.

How do we schedule a risk management inspection of our facilities?
Call 800-285-5461 to schedule a site visit with one of our risk management consultants.

Who do I call when I have pre-loss or legal questions? 
Pre-loss, legal, and technical assistance questions can be answered by contacting SDAO at 800-285-5461 or emailing



Can agents issue an insurance certificate? 
An insurance certificate is a document that can be required to simply confirm that there is insurance in force. The insurance can be property, auto or liability. Most often the certificate is provided to confirm that there is a liability policy in force for the entity required to have such insurance. Supplying such a certificate in no way guarantees that the party receiving the certificate is in any way protected by the insurance party.
Agents can issue these types of certificates without prior approval but must provide SDIS with a copy.

Can agents issue an insurance certificate with an "Additional Insurance" provision? 
In this situation the insured requesting the certificate is asking the issuer to include an outside third party on the policy, by endorsement, as an "insured" with respect to certain activities. This development usually arises due to hold-harmless, indemnity or additional insured provisions of a contract between two or more entities. This certificate basically establishes a responsibility by one party to assume the liability risk of another policy under the terms of the contract. All terms and conditions of the insurance policy, except those related to a "named insured", will apply.

Agents can issue these types of certificates with the following provisions: If a contract is involved, send a copy of the contract to SDIS for a review of the insurance provisions at least ten days prior to signing of the contract; Certificate must reference a specific contract, project or event; Certificate must be for a specific period of time; Use the term "Additional Participant" to more accurately reflect the SDIS Liability Coverage Document.

Can agents issue an insurance certificate with a "Named Additional Insured" provision? 
To be included as a "named additional insured" means that the certificate holder stands in the "shoes" of the original named insured. For an insurer it becomes absolutely impossible to deny defense for any reason other than a material breach of the policy or a policy exclusion. Because SDAO is only authorized by statute to cover public entities, we cannot issue an insurance certificate listing an outside, non-public entity as a "named additional insured" because we can only provide coverage to public entities.

Agents cannot issue certificates with a "Named Additional Insured" provision unless an exception is made by SDIS on a case-by-case basis.