Risk Management Trainings for SDIS Members
Members insured with SDIS can access the below on-site risk management classes at no cost. If a topic you’re interested in is not listed, SDAO will try to tailor a workshop to fit the specific need.
For more information or to schedule, please email SDAO Risk Management or call toll-free at 800-285-5461.
Employment Practices/Supervisory
A Supervisor’s Role in Preventing Injuries
Studies indicate that a company’s - in particular, a supervisor's - response to a workplace injury is an important influence on the quality and speed of the worker’s recovery and the success or failure of the stay at work or return to work outcome. A supervisor’s response may be the single most important influence on whether a worker reintegrates successfully into the workplace following a workplace injury.
This training is designed to support districts in (a) helping their injured workers stay at work, performing regular or modified duties, or returning to safe and meaningful work as soon as possible; and (b) understanding and controlling costs associated with workplace injuries and illnesses.
Generational Diversity in the Workplace
Human resources managers are increasingly grappling with generational differences in their work forces. Issues can arise from the differing philosophies and communication styles of workers hailing from different eras. These frictions may be aggravated by the advent of new technology and fluid work patterns that blend workers of different ages together in ever-changing teams. This training will feature best practices for effectively managing and utilizing the differences in values and expectations of each generation.
Aging Workforce
According to a Government Accountability Office report, one-fifth of the nation’s workforce is over age 55. The baby boomer generation is reaching retirement age, but they are not retiring – at least not at the same rate as their parents. Is your district ready? This training session will prepare you for this significant impact on the age of our workforce.
When a visitor enters your district, they have a reasonable expectation of not getting injured. This means that the district is responsible for maintaining a relatively safe environment. This is known as “premises liability”. For example, a courier delivering a package may sue you for injuries if he/she slips and falls on a banana peel in the driveway. However, if that same courier happened to be intoxicated or otherwise acted in an unsafe manner, then he/she may not have a valid claim. In such cases, the court will focus on the status of the injured visitor, the condition of the property and/or the specific activities involved. This training will help participants to better understand the risks involved with premises liability and how best to mitigate or eliminate them.
Motivating Safe Behavior
How effective are your safety programs? Every district safety officer would like their employees to be more engaged and motivated to make safe choices, practice safe behaviors on the job, and to participate willingly in workplace health and safety activities. Unfortunately, many workplaces struggle to achieve this laudable goal. While a commitment to workplace safety best originates from within the individual staff member, districts can craft and sustain a culture which encourages such a commitment. System interventions are a great way to understand and mitigate exposures. This training will provide you with safety theories and help you to identify personal, team, organization and equipment risk factors.
Drones are a technological marvel of our modern age. They can document the aftermath of disasters without putting additional people at risk, and companies such as Amazon plan to use them for small package delivery in the not-too-distant future. However, the affordability and availability of drones are also prompting some serious legal, financial and practical considerations which districts are grappling with as the rapidly evolving technology grows ever more widespread. This training will briefly review the history of drone development, discuss the various functions drones are serving and review the rules and regulations governing their use.
Workplace Violence
Every year, 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace violence. In 2014, 409 people were fatally injured in work-related attacks, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That's about 16% of the 4,821 workplace deaths which occurred that year. Before you can successfully forestall violence in the workplace, you must first be able to identify the signs of pending violent behavior. This training will discuss the four types of workplace violence and share effective prevention strategies for each classification. You will also learn to employ effective postvention techniques following a workplace violence incident.
Health and Safety
Accident Injury Reporting
Obtaining the appropriate information for describing an accident/incident injury or scene can be crucial in the event that a claim gets filed. Many times, accident claims are denied in court due to a lack of evidence or information available to prove injury or damage. Photos, measurements, and accurate descriptions of the accident/incident are an absolute necessity. The Loss Control Department at Special Districts Association of Oregon can teach your district to obtain the proper information needed to file a comprehensive accident/incident report. They will also train you on the necessary forms required for use in all types of accidents/incidents.
Accident Investigation
“Help me, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!!” Eventually, despite the best laid plans for prevention, an accident will occur at your district. When this happens, a proper investigation must be conducted, but do you know what that entails? This accident investigation training will help to prepare you, should you ever need to complete an accident investigation. The training will also help you to understand the immediate actions necessary to minimize personal injuries, damage to property, and/or required OR-OSHA reporting. Finally, it will provide you with effective techniques for obtaining important accident information, focusing on the facts and analyzing data down to the root cause. Participants will conduct a sample accident investigation to reinforce what they have learned.
Aerial Lift Safety Training
How many district employees does it take to change a light bulb? The completion of this task may require the safe and competent use of an aerial lift. This training covers common aerial lift accidents, discusses the hazards associated with aerial lifts, and the necessary rules for their safe and effective use. The hands-on portion of this training will ask participants to demonstrate their actual aerial lift operation skills.
Athletic Liability
“You’re out!” Thousands of students are involved in athletics every year. This training is designed to educate athletic directors and coaches on the liabilities that exist in sports and the common causes of many athletic injuries. Participants will learn about general sports safety and best practices for each season and type of sport. We will also discuss how to prevent injuries by establishing proper expectations.
Back Injury Prevention
“I can lift that!” Back injuries are the most common type of workplace injury. This training is designed to educate the participant in identifying risk factors that increase the probability of back injuries. We will focus on safe lifting techniques and modifications and other strategies designed to help reduce the risk of back injuries. In addition, we will discuss simple ways to stretch and warm up before working.
Working Smarter Not Harder
This training will teach you strategies and best practices for mitigating the risk of workplace injuries. We will investigate the primary risk factors and discuss the most common types of injuries. We will also examine various approaches, such as ergonomic modifications, while focusing on preventing lifting, pushing and pulling type injuries. Finally, we will share examples of success stories our members have experienced that resulted in reducing the risk of injury.
Bloodborne Pathogen
“Don’t touch that!” For any workers who may have a reasonable exposure to bloodborne pathogens (BBP), this course is a must. The training is designed to help participants understand the serious risks and the three major viruses associated with BBP. We will discuss the various types of body fluids which may contain BBP and general guidelines for universal precautions. The course will cover methods to properly clean BBP, the steps to be taken if an employee encounters BBP and important follow-up procedures.
Confined Space
Site and equipment-specific training is necessary prior to allowing district staff members or vendors to enter confined spaces. This training is designed to inform participants about the requirements for developing a comprehensive written confined space program and teach them the proper techniques for entering permit-required confined spaces. Participants will learn what constitutes a confined space and which specific conditions render the space a permit space. The course will cover the roles of personnel and the requisite documentation involved in confined space entry and discuss rescue plans should the entry go awry.
Introduction to Ergonomics
Ergonomics is the science of fitting the workplace to the user instead of forcing the user to fit the workplace. It looks at what kind of work is being done, what tools are being used and the entire job environment. No matter what the job is, the goal is to make sure that staff members are safe, comfortable, and less prone to work-related injuries. Ergonomic strategies may include equipment design, task design, or environmental design. This training will focus on the common risk factors found in districts and methods for implementing a proactive ergonomic process designed to best mitigate injuries.
Ergonomics Train-the-Trainer
Ergonomics is the science of fitting the workplace to the user instead of forcing the user to fit the workplace. It looks at what kind of work is being done, what tools are being used and the entire job environment. No matter what the job is, the goal is to make sure that staff members are safe, comfortable, and less prone to work-related injuries. This course will be taught in a train-the-trainer format and is limited to a maximum enrollment of 12 students. Its primary purpose is to instruct participants how best to conduct an effective ergonomic evaluation in the workplace. The class will be hands-on so come prepared to roll up your sleeves and play an active role.
Fall Protection
The fall protection training will focus on the cornerstones of a complete fall protection program: When fall protection must be used, Planning for when a fall hazard is present, A variety of fall protection equipment, Different methods of fall protection, Calculating fall distances, and Planning for rescues. We will also discuss how fall protection relates to aerial lifts, and the inspection and care of fall protection equipment. We encourage the host district to have all its equipment present at the time of the training as the district will be expected to train staff on site-specific hazards.
Fire Extinguisher, Train-the-Trainer
This training will begin with a brief but informative classroom presentation on the dangers of fighting fires, the correct use and limitations of fire extinguishers and the proper steps to take prior to their use. The classroom portion of the training will be followed by live-fire training. The live-fire training will be completed by using a fire extinguisher prop in a safe and controlled environment. This portion of the class will require an open space with both water and an electrical source available. For larger districts, which may prefer to train staff over multiple days, we can deliver the prop and train district staff to complete the presentation at a more convenient later date.
First Aid/CPR
Sudden cardiac arrest is unpredictable and can happen without warning. Each year, approximately 330,000 Americans die from coronary heart disease. Bystander CPR and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) can significantly increase the chances of surviving sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). When SCA strikes, be ready to act quickly to give the patient the best chance of survival. This training will teach participants how to safely and effectively administer CPR and operate an AED.
Forklift Safety
“Watch where you’re driving!” This training is designed to educate participants on the OR-OSHA rules governing forklifts, the different types, features and physics of forklifts, and what to watch for during inspections. We will discuss driving techniques, load handling and fueling, and review best practices for operating a forklift. Participants will be asked to navigate an obstacle course and demonstrate the safe and skillful operation of a forklift.
Hazard Communication
Every employee who works in an environment where chemicals are present must be informed of the chemical hazards associated with their workplace. An effective hazard communication program is essential for keeping your employees safe in the workplace. It creates a healthy working environment for the employee and demonstrates the employer’s dedication and commitment to health and safety. This helps to keep injuries at a minimum and in turn, reduces workers’ compensation costs. This training will help districts to establish a viable hazard communication program and protect their workers from dangerous chemical hazards in the workplace.
Hazard Identification
Not all hazards are created equally. There are many types of hazards which you may not be immediately aware of. In order to protect your employees and keep them safe in the workplace, you need to first identify the hazards present and take steps to mitigate them. Conducting routine walk-throughs of all your workstations is just one method of identifying those safety hazards. Learn how to locate these hazards and take effective steps to minimize or eliminate minimize them.
Hearing Conservation
“It’s too loud in here. I can’t hear you!!” Employers and employees whose work environments may subject them to excessive noise should consider a Hearing Conservation Training. This training is designed to teach participants about the harmful effects of excessive noise on their employees’ hearing. It will also inform them about the many different forms of hearing protection available and how to properly use and store it. Participants will learn ways to reduce noise in the workplace through engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment.
Ladder Safety
“Look out below!” Injuries due to falls from ladders and other high places are one of the most prevalent workers’ compensation claims. These injuries can often be avoided with a basic knowledge of and attention to safety while using a ladder. This training will focus on quick, simple and effective steps your district can take to reduce the risk of falls from on high.
Lockout Tagout
Does your district use equipment such as loaders, graders or backhoes? How about power tools like table saws, lathes, or welders? Are there electrical sources for pumps, hydro plants or district shops? If you have any mechanical device onsite with the potential to permit transmission or release of some type of energy, then your district is required to have a lockout tag-out program in place. OR-OSHA 1910.147 requires the control of these hazardous energy releases. Learn how to train your employees to identify any devices that may have the potential to allow a hazardous energy release and be educated on safer options for the sources identified.
Personal Protective Equipment
Are your employees protected from the risk of injury at work? Personal protective equipment (PPE) is specialized clothing or equipment worn by employees for protection against health and safety hazards. PPE is designed to protect many parts of the human body, e.g. eyes, head, face, hands, feet, and ears. Following this training, you will be able to assess your workplace to determine if and which PPE is needed. We will also cover the importance of selecting and inspecting the proper type of PPE.
Playground Hazard ID
Does your playground have hazards and are your employees adept at spotting them? This training provides techniques for identifying general playground hazards; protrusion or entanglement hazards; head, neck, crush, or shear hazards; and the hazards presented by suspended playground equipment components. Upon completion of this training, you will be able to identify general playground hazards and understand the difference between a risk and a hazard.
Safety Committee
A safety committee is necessary to help recognize hazards at each work location and devise a strategy for preventing and minimizing accidents and injuries. Every district should have a safety committee in place and this training will show you how to form and support a strong and successful safety team. These committees address all aspects related to safety in the workplace – whether this means the operation of machinery, preventative measures, etc. Workplace safety committees meet regularly to ensure that employees are following proper protocol – helping keep work morale up by minimizing risks and preventing injuries. You will learn the rationale and requirements for having a safety committee, such as promoting safety and learning how to prevent incidents and accidents. You will also be trained on how to accurately identify workplace hazards and how to conduct effective accident investigations.
Effective Safety Committee
Never let possible safety issues overwhelm you. By organizing an effective safety committee, you can address hazards before they occur and ensure that the overall health of your employees remains your number one priority. These committees address all aspects related to safety in the workplace – including the operation of machinery, preventative measures, etc. Workplace safety committees meet regularly to ensure that employees are following proper protocol – helping keep work morale up by minimizing risks and preventing injuries. This training will help you to make certain your safety committee is effective, understands safety committee responsibilities and is familiar with OR-OSHA safety committee recommended best practices.
“Have a nice trip. See you next fall.” Slips, trips, and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries. Effective solutions are often simple, inexpensive, and can lead to many other side benefits as well. This training will help you to achieve your injury prevention goals by showing you how fall accidents happen. You will also learn to identify common trouble areas and how to prevent or minimize the hazards associated with falling.
Respirator Safety
This training is designed to educate your district on the rules and regulations which should be included in your respirator safety program. The training will also cover respiratory hazards, selecting the right respirator for the job, fit testing requirements, and the proper use, storage and cleaning of the respirator. Your district will still need to train staff on the site-based hazards and actual respirators that the district uses.
Buildings and Property
Building Envelope
Your district’s buildings are the face of your entity to the world. Keeping them operational and looking good is a full-time job! Although we cannot prevent inclement weather from happening, we can take the steps necessary to ensure that buildings will safely withstand many of nature’s harsh elements. This training will investigate effective means for protecting your building envelope against the elements of nature, provide information on the important areas of building maintenance, and offer tips on what to look for when conducting building inspections during the different seasons of the year.
Building Inspections
This introductory training is designed to educate districts on the importance of developing a regular building inspection process and how doing so can significantly reduce the incidence of property damage. The training will cover which areas of your buildings should be a priority for inspection and how to establish an appropriate inspection schedule. We will also share lessons learned from member districts which did not have a regular building inspection process in place.
Drivers Training Program
Motor vehicle collisions are a leading cause of death and injury in the workplace and the myriad costs associated with a single accident can be astronomical. A defensive driver safety program can help to reduce risk and keep people safer on the road. This program will help your district to: Control liability costs associated with work-related vehicle crashes, Reduce insurance premiums and fleet repair bills, Reduce motor vehicle incident rates, Decrease workers' compensation claims, Improve productivity by keeping employees safe, on and off the job, and Protect your brand by improving public perception of your driving practices.
Defensive Driving Modules
Sometimes accidents happen when you are driving. What you do next can help determine the likelihood of it happening again. Accident investigations are an important piece to preventing future accidents. This course is designed to provide information about what an accident is, why and how to conduct a thorough investigation and how to create a report that identifies areas for improvement.
Everyone reacts differently to traumatic experiences. After an accident there is important information that you need to provide and get. This training provides tips on what to do, what information to get and best practices to ensure the district is protected.
Emotions play a large part of an individuals driving habits. This class is designed to help identify different driving traits based on different emotions. We discuss how the influence of other factors like medications can affect driving and best practices to help mitigate these.
The ability to handle a vehicle is sometimes taken for granted. This class is designed to discuss the different aspects of handling a vehicle. We discuss different concepts concerning steering, turning and backing. We discuss the dangers associated with parking and best practices that will assist the driver to have better control of their vehicle.
There is a difference between Offensive Driving and Defensive Driving. Defensive Driving is designed to help drivers make the appropriate response to different situations. This class discusses different situations and ideas of how to avoid potential accidents. It provides reminders about emergency service vehicles and some best practices for drivers.
Distracted driving related accidents are increasing at an alarming rate. Drivers are no longer only concerned about other drivers. This class helps identify the many distractions we are faced with today and some best practices for drivers to limit these distractions.
Driving with a loaded trailer can be a tricky adventure. If the driver is not familiar with this, it can end in disaster. This class is designed to remind drivers about the different aspects of driving related to trailers. We discuss selecting the correct vehicle, connections, steering and securing loads. We will also discuss the challenges of backing a trailer and best practices that will help reduce the risk of an accident.
No matter where you live, drivers are faced with hazards. It is how we react to these hazards that make us safe. Environmental Driving is designed to provide best practices for drivers regardless of what environment they are in. We will discuss how the weather, location you are in and work zones create different risks and best practices for drivers to be aware.
Most people jump in their vehicle and drive away only to realize later something is wrong. A Pre-Trip Inspection can reduce or eliminate this from happening. This class is designed to remind drivers of what to check before they leave. We will discuss what to look for outside and inside the vehicle. We discuss different problems that may lead to not driving the vehicle and ideas for reporting these concerns to the appropriate person.